
Defending the Tithe ?

Defending the Tithe ?

Isnt it significant how Paul never collected any tithes ?

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There is no salvation aside from the cross

There is no salvation aside from the cross

In whom ye also [trusted], after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

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rubik’s cube notes

Notes for solving a rubik’s cube, Iv forgotten how to do this in the past.

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Ephesians 6:10 study

A rough draft study of a single verse.
This study will eventually cover verse 10 through 18

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just a test

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: (

: (

dunno if i can say anything so i wont, except, “remember that time… ?”

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the keyboard hole gets deeper..

the keyboard hole gets deeper..

I can quit when I want..

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video embed test

video embed test

planning on writing a program to scrape directory and create html code that will generate video links. HTML Video embed Learn Eclipse

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Ergodox Part 2

Ergodox Part 2

Day 5: how’s it going?

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Faith to move a mountain

Faith to move a mountain


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